NSW Personal WaterCraft Licence

The Jetski Licence

Got a new ski but no licence? We’ve got you covered! Whether it’s a Sea-Doo, Yamaha or Kawasaki, we know a jet ski doesn’t do much good sitting in a driveway. We also know you want to go riding as soon as possible so we’ve designed our business model to ensure we can get you licensed for the weekend.

How We Make It Easy

It’ll only take a few hours & you’ll be able to upgrade your boat licence as soon as the course is finished. All theory & testing is done with us so no further testing will be required. You’ll need a boat licence, but we can do that at the same time if you need that too. Organise a few mates & we’ll even come to you!

Call 0468 565 494

Some FAQs about the PWC licence…

Don’t have a NSW boat licence? It’s required to get the Jet Ski upgrade and can get it done at the same time. We make it easy so you can go riding without hassle ASAP! See here for more info.
